Thursday, January 24, 2013
Correction: We're in the April Issue
Okay so there was some confusion....we are still going to be featured in FlightWatch Magazine, but it will be in the April issue, so stay tuned for that and we'll keep you all updated.
Monday, January 21, 2013
We're Being Featured....
We are incredibly honored that our family is being featured in the next Flight Watch magazine, coming out later this week! The photo of our family was taken by our amazing photographer friends Gerald and Airika Pope (and we'll post more from that photo shoot later as well). If you are on our mailing list you should get a copy of the magazine. If not, we will try to post a link.
In other news, we are still planning to move out of our house mid February and put it on the market. For those of you living in Spokane we will be holding an open house to come and say goodbye. We'll let you know more on that when we get a date and time.
Please pray for these last few weeks, that things will come together and that the moving process will go smoothly. Please also pray for a buyer for our house! Thanks so much. We're so lucky to have such a great network of friends here. It is going to be hard to leave!
In other news, we are still planning to move out of our house mid February and put it on the market. For those of you living in Spokane we will be holding an open house to come and say goodbye. We'll let you know more on that when we get a date and time.
Please pray for these last few weeks, that things will come together and that the moving process will go smoothly. Please also pray for a buyer for our house! Thanks so much. We're so lucky to have such a great network of friends here. It is going to be hard to leave!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Indonesia Update
The last few weeks have been incredible. We have been blown away by the flood of new partners and are now at 92%!!!!! We only need 23 more people giving $25 monthly and we'll be done! Other exciting news is that we have officially been invited to attend the February final training and are on schedule to leave in May.
Reality has started to sink in as we realize how little time we have left to prepare and pack. We will be heading to final training at the end of February and then plan on departing for Indonesia in May, so we have until February to have our crates made and pack them, organize what we'll need for the first year in language school, and pack up our house and get it on the market (in addition to final shopping, appointments, and so on). Needless to say I'm trying not to freak out! It feels like we are planning a wedding times 20!!!!!! With three kids it often feels like we are going in slow motion, but we are praying each day for peace and that God would meet us where we're at. We've been battling sickness for a few weeks now too, so we could use prayer for health as we prepare. Here are some other prayer needs:
Thanks to all of you that have made this possible and who lift us up in prayer. We are so incredibly thankful for each of you!
Reality has started to sink in as we realize how little time we have left to prepare and pack. We will be heading to final training at the end of February and then plan on departing for Indonesia in May, so we have until February to have our crates made and pack them, organize what we'll need for the first year in language school, and pack up our house and get it on the market (in addition to final shopping, appointments, and so on). Needless to say I'm trying not to freak out! It feels like we are planning a wedding times 20!!!!!! With three kids it often feels like we are going in slow motion, but we are praying each day for peace and that God would meet us where we're at. We've been battling sickness for a few weeks now too, so we could use prayer for health as we prepare. Here are some other prayer needs:
- Please pray that everything would come together and that we wouldn't forget anything big as we make final preparations
- Please pray that our house would sell quickly
- Pray for us and our families as we cope with leaving. It is a very emotional time.
- Please also pray for our Indonesia director and he seeks God as to what location to place us at after language school. There are 13 different locations and many of them have need for pilots.
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"This is what God the Lord says - he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. Isaiah 42:5-7