Blake is now 11 and 1/2 months and I'm starting to plan his 1 year old birthday party! How fast this last year has gone. I (Ellie) have been SO blessed to be home with him. I've been able to be present and witness every stage this past year. I can't say that it hasn't been difficult and exhausting. There have been times I have desperately needed a break and have often felt isolated and alone. Without family here we don't have many options for babysitters and we have sacrificed a lot financially so that I can stay home. Despite those times however, Blake is an incredible blessing and we are so lucky to have such a healthy little boy!
He is now crawling and pulling himself up onto everything and seems close to walking. He has started to walk around with his little lion walker and has pretty good balance. He's also starting to understand more and more, like what we say and how to play with his toys. Instead of just chewing on things he is more purposeful about what he does with his toys. For example, he loves to drop toys into the empty bathtub, and when he climbs the stairs he will take a toy with him and work to put it on the step above him before he climbs to the next step. Yesterday for the first time we got him to copy "woof woof" after explaining the sound a doggy makes! That made our day.
Matt is still flight instructing and enjoying his work. He has the priviledge of working with 4 great students and is giving them advanced training in the Cessna 206. Not only is he rapidly building his flight hours, but he is gaining invaluable experience in the 206 which will help immensely once we are overseas.
At the beginning of the month Matt's parents and his brother Andy were able to come and visit for Easter and we had a great time with them. As usual they were so helpful with Blake and he was spoiled to pieces! Here are some pictures from their time here.

Blake with Uncle Andy

Blake looking at the clock with grandpa Scheer

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