As Matt and I reflect on this season of giving, we are so thankful that we have already received the ultimate gift of all, the birth of a savior, Jesus! It is the meaning behind this gift that has inspired us to proclaim His name to every corner of the earth.
We are thrilled to be a part of a missions organization, Mission Aviation Fellowship, that is overcoming barriers to transform lives around the world. Through meeting peoples' physical needs and providing much needed resources, our pilots, mechanics, disaster response teams and more are making Christ known in some of the most remote places on earth and sharing with them the importance of Jesus' birth and promise to return. Matt and I are so excited to be among the many serving Him in Indonesia! But we can't do it alone... WE NEED YOU!

While we celebrate this glorious and festive season of love, lights, and the gift of abundant life in Christ Jesus, we ask that you prayerfully consider helping us make Christ known in Indonesia by answering this simple question: How much money do you spend monthly on specialty coffee drinks? $25, $50, $75?
Would you consider spending that amount as a monthly supporter of our ministry with MAF?
Our goal is to be at 30% of full-funding by January 1, 60% by March, and 100% funding and on our way to Indonesia by the end of 2012. This is a lofty goal, but we know that with God's help and His people generously giving, we can reach Indonesia soon! If you would like to be a part of our Winter Coffee Challenge there are several ways you can give.
DONATE ONLINE: You can log on to, click the DONATE tab and set up a payment arrangement or electronic funds transfer under the "Support a Missionary" link. If you choose this method, please make sure that donation/giving is allocated to Matt and Ellie Scheer - Missionary ID: 9094.
SNAIL MAIL: Another great way to start giving is to mail a check to the MAF Headquarters - P.O. Box 47, Nampa, ID 83653. With this option, we ask that you make the check payable to Mission Aviation Fellowship and add 9094 to the memo line.
PHONE A FRIEND: For those of you who like to hear a friendly voice at the other end of the phone to assure you that everything has been handled properly (I am definitely one of these people) you have the option to speak with our Donor Services personnel. They are a great bunch of MAF staff at our headquarters in Idaho and will make sure that your giving is done with ease. Simply dial 1.800.359.7623 to phone a friend!
With any of these options, we would love to hear that you have begun giving! It will give us a great chance to catch up with you and help us keep our records straight.
For more information or to let us know you have joined our Winter Coffee Challenge, contact us via email at