I believe it's time to share the news....looks like we will be taking three kids to Indonesia! We recently found out that we are expecting, and after an ultrasound we were shocked to discover that I am four weeks farther along than we thought, putting me at 13 weeks and out of the first trimester already! The due date is October 27th. I will be honest, we desired to have another baby before leaving, but didn't really expect it to happen. I am still nursing Callie and we have such a short window of time left here. We have always wanted more than 2 kids though and have desired that they be close together in age. With my history of pre-term contractions, we didn't want to think about having another one soon after arriving in Indonesia (not too sure about the medical care there). So, we gave it to God.
Now honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this will be and I fully admit that this is crazy!!! However, looking at the big picture of what will be taking place in our lives, this is exactly what we wanted. As hard as it might be in the beginning, we believe this was God's will and part of his perfect plan for our lives. He knew this was going to happen long before we did, and what a miracle that it did happen!
Some of you may be wondering..."will this change your timeline for leaving?" The answer is no. The next available training for us (required mountain flying and maintenance standardization) is offered next February. This is approximately 10 weeks of training and will allow us to leave for Indonesia next May. Some of you may have heard us talk about a January departure for Indonesia, but that was based on an aggressive schedule that became clear early on that it wasn't realistic. We're exactly on track with where God wants us to be. He knew all along that we would be having this baby and need a few months of recovery after the baby was born before we leave the country! It's important to note though that we need to be approaching at least 90% support by the end of this year in order to attend that training in February. That is a little more than double our current support level, so please pray with us that God continues to lead people to join our team this year! If not, then we would be delayed several more months and have to attend Spring or Summer training. If you are considering joining our financial team, please don't wait! If you are unsure how to get started, send us an email or facebook message, or go to our website www.maf.org/scheer. Thanks to all who have been so supportive and encouraging during this time.
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"This is what God the Lord says - he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. Isaiah 42:5-7
Wow, that does sound crazy! But exciting at the same time! Congratulations! I know that your faith in God's provision and direction for your family will lead you into still waters of satisfaction and praise for His Name. Follow hard!
Yay! Congratulations guys! That is awesome news! LOL - Sounds like the perfect plan!
Awesome news!!! Super excited for you all!
Thanks everyone! We are so lucky to have people like you cheering us on!
Lots and lots of exciting stuff happening. Congrats to all of you!
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!
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