Then at midnight on June 11th I woke up to stronger contractions than usual and told Matt that it was time. We called my aunt Anita and uncle Bill and they came over to be here with Blake. Luckily they answered the phone right away and were here within minutes.
When we arrived at the hospital, we sat in the waiting room for about 40 minutes. My contractions were uncomfortable but I could breathe through them pretty easily. We then were put into a triage room and told to walk around the halls for an hour. I would be checked in an hour to see if I had made any progress and if not, we would have to go home. By the time the nurse was finished talking, the contractions were becoming ruthless and I only made it in the hall for five minutes at most before having to return to the room. Needless to say I was admitted. By the time they had me settled in the room with an IV, the contractions were relentless with barely a break in between. I had requested an epidural and it seemed like an eternity for the anesthetist to get there! I remember sitting on the bed with three nurses working as fast as they could around me to get things ready....they knew this was going to be a quick one. Before the epidural was placed I was checked and already dilated to 8 cm and by the time I laid down on the bed I was complete and ready to push! Luckily the epidural did kick in and I got some relief before delivering.
Callie was born at 4:40am, only a little over 4 and a half hours from the onset of contractions. The doctor did make it in time, though the nurses said that they were a little worried. At first Callie had some difficulty breathing due to the fast labor and she was taken up to NICU for evaluation. Thankfully she only had to stay there for a couple of hours and was able to come back down with us. She has been such a blessing and is an absolute sweetheart! It never ceases to amaze me what a miracle it is.....God created this intricate little life that He loves more than we ever could. Incredible.
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