Today we were told by the MAF Candidate Committee that we have been assigned to the country of Indonesia! We are so excited to finally know where we will be! It's crazy to think that this is where we will be raising our kids......a place so completely foreign to us both. Of course there was a part of us that wanted to serve in Africa, where Matt grew up, but either way we would have been happy and also a little disappointed since we were torn between the two (Africa or Indonesia). We trust completely that this is what God intended and have prayed for years that He would guide us to where He wanted us to go. Two of the other families that we have become friends with have also been assigned to Indonesia so hopefully we'll all be in language school together!
The island of Java (red star on the map) is where we will be going to language school to learn the Indonesian language. The goal is to be 100% supported and to leave by this time next year. We won't know the specific island or base we will be assigned to until closer to our departure date, since base needs etc. may change between now and next year. The islands with yellow stars, Kalimantan and Papua (formerly Irian Jaya) are the areas where MAF serves, so we will be on one of these three islands. We will post more as we learn more! Thanks to those who have been praying and sharing in our excitement!
Congratulations, I am so excited for you!! Best of luck to all four of you!
Congrats!! We are so thrilled for you guys and so greatful to Our Gracious Lord for the opportunity to serve with you (albeit a half a world away) God is Truly Awesome. Cant wait for more!!!
Great to have a destination finally. Mer and I are excited for you guys. Keep in touch.
Our kids were 2 and 4 years old when we left for language school in Indonesia. We were there for 3 years, so their earliest memories are from Kalimantan. They loved it and spoke fluently--as much as a kid could of that age. I'm excited for you!
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